Skin Care Spring Cleaning

Hey everyone!

I hope this message finds you all healthy and well.  It has been a while since my last entry.  I guess I just got busy with life!  But with the current situation, I have had quite a bit of extra time on my hands, and it made me realize how much I miss writing and sharing my ideas and thoughts with all of you.  Hopefully this entry gives you some ideas and maybe an idea for for a project to help occupy some of the downtime you may be experiencing.

Over the past week, I have seen so many posts about people spring cleaning their houses.  It made me think, this is the perfect time to go through and clean out your skin care cabinet/shelf.  I have to admit, I am a bit of a skin care hoarder.  I went through my own stash this week, and all I can say is yikes!  I am going to share some tips that I followed, and hopefully they help give you some guidelines to follow.

1.  Check expiration dates.  This one is simple.  If it is expired, pitch it.  Will it hurt to continue using it?  Probably not, but it most likely isn't working for you, especially if it contains ingredients such as Vitamin C, retinol, or SPF.  Just get rid of it and replace it.  Your skin will thank you!

2.  Check the actual product for discoloration and/or change in texture.  For example, when vitamin C products become oxidized, they turn a dark brown color.  This means that less of the vitamin C benefits are available for your skin because the oxygen from the air has used them up.  It won't hurt you to continue using a serum that has somewhat oxidized, just keep in mind that you aren't getting 100% of the benefits.  Normally a vitamin C serum is good for approximately 6 months from the date you opened it.  Also, when the lids on products such as moisturizers and serums are not completely closed, the air can break down the ingredients in these as well, not to mention drying them out and changing their texture.  Unopened products are typically good for 1-3 years.  While opened products should be used within 1 year.  Always throw away products if they seem discolored, smell funny, or if the consistency changes.

3. If you haven't used it in 6 months, let it go.  If you're like me, you may have bought 3 different moisturizers to try, but ended up loving one of them and not the others.  Sometimes we buy things hoping we will love them, but they just aren't right for our skin.  In this case, here is what you can do.  If the product is still good, but you just don't love it, consider giving it to a friend or family member that might love it.  I just gave a moisturizer that I used once to my friend Joan, and now it is off of my shelf no longer causing clutter.  And you should see the stuff I pawned off on my poor fiancé!  If the product is unopened and still in the original packaging, some retailers will exchange the product for something different, as long as it isn't expired and has not been used.  This is different for all retailers, but could be an option.  Or, if you are just wanting to declutter, it is ok to just pitch things sometimes!!

4. Sometimes people hold on to stuff because they really aren't sure if they have the right combination of products or not.  With that being said,  I love helping people figure out regimens that work for them.  It's one of my favorite things!  If you are unsure about whether or not you are using the right regimen, feel free to take a picture of your products, and email it to me along with a description of what you do morning and night, step by step.  I would be happy to go over it and give you my input and feedback as to what I think you could get rid of or add!  My email is

After you get everything all cleaned out and organized, don't stress too hard if you are out of something or need to add something.  We have 4 online skin care stores attached to our website (Skin Medica, Alastin, Revision, and ZO Skin Health).  Most of them are running some pretty great promotions during this time, and will ship your product right to your door for you.  (  And if you need something that isn't available on the website, just give me a call at Rejuvenis, or drop me and email, and we can pay by phone and send it to you!

Once you are all stocked up and are feeling good about your skin care regimen, the most important thing is to remember to use it.  During stressful times like these, it is easy to forget about your normal routine, especially if you aren't leaving the house.  No judgement here, trust me.  I haven't used my night time regimen in 6 days.  Yikes.  But I read an article today about trying to keep a sense of normalcy during these times, and that can be done in part by continuing to practice our daily self care routines.  It may seem silly since we aren't going to work or getting ready.  But it is amazing how clean, bright, and beautiful skin can make you feel, even if you aren't going anywhere.

Hopefully this entry made you want to assess your skin care regimen.  And if not, hopefully it reminded you to continue using your products.  Either way, take care of yourselves, get some rest, stay hydrated, and most importantly, try to stay healthy my friends!  And please, let me know if I can help.


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